Before you head out for your summer vacation know the wellness of your vehicle. Just in time, Droom is offering hot discounts on automobile services. Buy now under Droom MotorCare offer and get services starting at ₹99.
Shop for services like car care detailing, road side assistance, auto inspection, warranty, vehicle servicing and more. Give your car a refreshing break during the scorching weather. Service like car care detailing will be a good way to pamper the car and get it ready for summer. It will enhance the performance of the vehicle while reducing the process of daily wear and tear.
If you are hitting the road during vacations then road side assistance is a must. It will help you feel safe and secure throughout your journey. But before you head out take your car to the service station and get it thoroughly checked.
You can even opt for services like vehicle inspection to get your vehicle inspected from an auto expert. It will help you know the unknown issues in the vehicle which might get bigger later.
Other services like warranty, insurance, and more are also available at Droom. So, what’s stopping you. Take this limited time opportunity and get a service for your car, bike or scooter at discounted prices. Hurry.
Droom is an automobile e-commerce platform offering a 21st-century automotive buying experience online with its four value pillars including trust, selection, low price, and convenience second to none. It offers 250k+ vehicles online in 1,100 cities — both used and new. Droom deals in buying and selling cars, 2-wheelers, and other vehicles too. It is an AI and data science-driven platform designed with the best ecosystem tools. Here, we have a team of auto-experts and auto enthusiasts who are dedicated to covering every sphere of the auto industry by simplifying the procedure of buying and selling with Unified Droom Experience. To know more, click here.