We all have heard a common saying, “everything that glitters is not gold” and that “eyes can be deceiving” but one thing that cannot deceive you is a full-fledged proof of detailed vehicle inspection. Any buyer or dealer can easily be fooled by the looks of the car or scooter that he/she aims to buy. However, it is the used car analysis report received post conducting various specialized tests to determine the health, condition and history of the vehicle that determines if the vehicle is fit for purchase.

Such reports also help the users in making a well thought and calculated decision and sometimes the results of such reports can stand in contrast to the used car visual aspect. Earlier, word of mouth and familiarity with the seller was the only way to determine if the vehicle is suitable for the purchase. But now, all thanks to the advancement that has taken place over time, the automobile industry has the availability of various artificial intelligence based tools to highlight nuanced aspects.
In this blog, we will cover:
- Things to Consider Before Buying a Used Car
- History of the Vehicle
- Condition of the Vehicle
- How to Make an Assured Purchase?
- Check Used Car History
- Go for Used Car Inspection
Analysis Before Buying a Used Car
It is easy to understand that while dealing with someone who has a good knowledge of cars, it can often get difficult to negotiate the prices if the exterior condition of the car is absolute. However, one thing to consider in this case is to ask for facts that validate the absoluteness of internal condition as well. Although testing all the aspects is always a good idea but certain non-negotiables are:
1) History of the Vehicle
Knowing the
history of the car is multi-layered. History as a whole includes a lot of things like Insurance details, loan details, blacklisting history, challan details and flood damage etc. Gathering everything at one go can be a hectic task and therefore, it often leads to uninformed decisions. Knowing the history of the car comes with the authentication of the fact that the information shared by the seller is true to his knowledge, how old the vehicle is, number of times a vehicle has been resold and how has it been treated by the last owner. It is often recommended to get an
History inspection report before buying or selling a vehicle to eliminate these factors.
2) Condition of the Vehicle
Internal condition is as important as the shiny and spotless external appearance of the car. Often, some parts of the used vehicles demand maintenance and the seller intentionally or unintentionally conceals such facts. Due to this, the vehicle often stops functioning as per the expectations after a short duration of making the purchase only. This gives way to the already existing prejudices against second hand vehicles. To eliminate such factors it is often recommended to get the
ECO inspection report before buying or selling the vehicle.
How to Make an Assured Purchase?
Dealers usually deal with vehicles in bulk and therefore, it gets impossible for them to get each and every aspect checked individually. Similarly, an individual lacks the basic knowledge about the multi-faceted structure of vehicle history and
used car inspection and therefore, often neglects/ forgets to check one or two aspects before buying or selling. Similarly, if a person isn’t a car enthusiast and is just looking for something to sort his daily needs, he/she may find it difficult to understand and know the concepts related to the used car analysis report. Ways to stay assured are:
The Automobile Industry now has the availability of specially devised AI tools to
check the history of the car. An efficient vehicle history report includes:
a) Ownership Details
b) Registration Details
c) Vehicle Summary
d) Loan Details
e) Insurance Details
f) PUC Details
g) Blacklist Challan Details
h) Flood Damage Details
The aim of the history report is to bring forth the past of the vehicle so that a buyer is able to get clarity before making a purchase.
Go for Used Car Inspection
Second hand cars come with a lot of mental baggage. Any piece of advice associated with cars is often related to a new vehicle. To know about the real and unbiased condition of the car and reinstate the trust of the consumers in used vehicles, Used Car Inspection is a mandate. This Inspection eliminates any chances of car breakdown and can even prevent the owner from bearing last minute repair cost. An efficient report has the following components:
- Clear pictures of various parts of the vehicles
- Repair estimate
- Unbiased marking of various parts
The visual aspect is that the exterior of the vehicle can often persuade a buyer to make a purchase, however it is necessary to consider visual aspects vs analytical report of used car before buying or selling. Making an informed decision can improve margins of the dealers and can enhance savings of individual sellers. So, make sure to choose your vehicle wisely.
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