Orange Book Value (OBV), the only Pricing Benchmark Engine of India has crossed 500 Mn queries. It is remarkable that people across the globe have understood and valued the importance of used car and car valuation tool. Every sec there is a flip in the number of total pricing queries in OBV. This is because every moment a new person is adopting the only pricing benchmark engine of India or a used vehicle is getting its value.

If you haven’t used it till date and if you are thinking of buying and selling of used vehicle without using the used vehicle valuation tool, you are bound to make mistake. Learn before it’s too late!
What is OBV?
Orange Book Value is a tool that helps in determining the fair market price of used vehicles, mobiles, real estates, jewellery and jobs. It is an algorithmic pricing engine that uses 21st Century data science to check used car price and evaluate the market value of used bikes and used scooters too. With time, OBV has also started evaluating the price of other products like mobiles, real estates, jewellery and jobs.
Why OBV?
Orange Book Value is the most authentic and reliable source for used car valuation because it is:
- Independent
- Objective
- Unbiased
It uses Droom’s proprietary technology and data science to come up with fair market price of used cars, bikes and scooters, and utilizes scientific data to get the exact value for the vehicle. Anyone and everyone should choose OBV, because:
- Fair Market Price of any Used Vehicle Under 10 seconds for free
- Only Pricing Benchmark Tool in India, which is Independent, Objective and Unbiased
- Based on 21st century Data Science and Machine Learning Methodology
- Used by over 500 Mn+ users
- Used by over 350k+ auto dealers across India
- Used by leading Banks, Insurance Companies, NBFCs and OEMs
- Used Vehicle Pricing for Bicycles, Scooters, Bikes, Cars and Planes
- Used Mobile Pricing, Real Estate Pricing, Jewellery Pricing, Job Valuation
- Used Mobile Pricing, Real Estate Pricing, Jewellery Pricing, Job Valuation
In order to provide the most accurate valuation, Orange Book Value uses real-time data science to value depreciation of automobiles. It is the kind of valuation tool, that is effective for used scooters, bikes and cars that calculates the data on real-time basis with a scientific method of suggesting their current market value.
Why benchmark pricing engine is a good idea?
The Benchmark Pricing Engine – Orange Book Value offers several benefits to buyers as well as to sellers.
For Buyers
- It helps buyers to check used bike price or for that matter used car and used scooter as well. Even for valuation of used mobiles, real estates, jewellery and jobs.
- There will be no guesswork for buyers to know the price of used products.
- Buyer will be satisfied with the price he/she is paying for the products.
For Sellers
- It helps sellers to determine the best market value for their used vehicles or for mobiles, real estate, jewellery and jobs.
- This valuation tool for used cars and bikes creates transparency in the overall process.
- This helps in quick selling of second-hand vehicles, mobiles, real estate, jewellery and jobs.
Banks and NBFC
The Benchmark Pricing Engine also helps banks and NBFCs to proceed with the loan approval process without any doubts as it helps in getting the fair pricing of used vehicles.
Insurance Companies
It is also true for insurance companies, as they will be able to calculate the right Insured Declared Value (IDV) of any used vehicle using OBV. The real-time data obtained through scientific calculation helps in obtaining the current valuation of the second-hand cars, bikes and scooters.
Used Vehicle Dealer
Auto dealers in used vehicles can acquire the used vehicle for reselling with no markup margin of a middleman using OBV.
New Vehicle Dealer
Similarly, vehicle dealers in new vehicles Get OBV for exchange vehicle valuation to acquire and dispose of any vehicle efficiently.
Ride & Taxi Hailing Companies
Taxi service companies help the drivers to acquire mint condition vehicles with used vehicle pricing certification from OBV.
Repo Companies
OBV also helps to dispose of a repossessed vehicle with pricing certificate for a faster transaction.
How it works?
To get the fair market price of your used vehicle, you need to follow just four simple steps.
- Select the purpose- Buy or sell the vehicle
- Select the category of used vehicle- Car, bike, scooter, bicycle and plane
- Select the parameters- Make, model, year, trim, Kms driven, condition
- Get OBV – The fair market price of the vehicle
This process will be same for valuation of mobiles, real estates, jewelleries, and jobs.
Overall Reach
People across the world has truly accepted the Benchmark Pricing Engine wholeheartedly, so at present Orange Book Value is present in 38 countries spreading across Asia, Europe, Middle-East and Australia. Orange Book Value Global offers you to select your own country and get the fair market value of used vehicle as per your country standard, that too available in your vernacular language.
From all these countries people are continuously evaluating the prices of their choice able vehicle, mobiles, real estates, jewelleries, and jobs, which has helped to cross this milestone of 500 Mn pricing queries in Orange Book Value. We are proceeding towards our new goal; it would be great if you too be a part of our next milestone and enjoy the benefits of OBV.
Droom is an automobile e-commerce platform offering a 21st-century automotive buying experience online with its four value pillars including trust, selection, low price, and convenience second to none. It offers 250k+ vehicles online in 1,100 cities — both used and new. Droom deals in buying and selling cars, 2-wheelers, and other vehicles too. It is an AI and data science-driven platform designed with the best ecosystem tools. Here, we have a team of auto-experts and auto enthusiasts who are dedicated to covering every sphere of the auto industry by simplifying the procedure of buying and selling with Unified Droom Experience. To know more, click here.