Automobile Business

How are Certification Services Helping an Automobile Dealer to Build Trust of their Customers?

Investing in an automobile dealership comes with a lot of challenges. One of the biggest yet most significant challenges of all is to build the trust of the customers. From a customer’s perspective, buying an automobile, irrespective of it being a car, bike or a scooter, is a well thought and researched decision. Along with providing quality products, it is important to think about providing quality services as well. This enables the dealer in showcasing the commitment of his dealership towards providing support to the customers as when required.

However, along with quality, assurance has a role to play in winning over the trust of the customers. Certification services for dealers fills the gap between the user expectations and user experience. Certification is just another way of providing the customers with a proof that the vehicle they are purchasing is in a good condition, has a clean history and is available at the right price.

In This Blog, We Will Cover:

  • What are Certification Services? 
  • Benefits of Certification Services for Auto Dealers
  1. Demonstrates Quality 
  2. Provides Peace of Mind 
  3. Fair & Ethical Procurement & Selling 
  4. Improves Customer Satisfaction 
  5. Boost in New Customers
  • Conclusion

So, let’s begin!

What are Certification Services?

In the automotive industry, certification services refer to assessing, verifying and certifying the automobile on parameters like history, condition of the vehicle and accurate pricing etc to help the auto dealers and the customers in procuring and buying smoothly and efficiently. 


Benefits of Certification Services

For the dealers to demonstrate commitment to quality, ethical business practices, and customer satisfaction, Certification Services are the right solution. This can boost the confidence of the customers and can reassure them about the purchase they are making. 

Following are the benefits of certification services via which auto dealers can win over the trust of their customers: 

  • Demonstrates Quality

Certification services can help dealers to demonstrate that they meet high standards of quality, both in terms of the vehicles they sell and the service they provide. For example, a history service package for dealers can help them in explaining to their customers that the vehicle sold by them doesn’t carry any flood damage or challan history.  This can help the customer in making a well informed decision and will create an impression of honestly of the dealer and authenticity of the 

  • Provides Peace of Mind: 

While procuring vehicles for inventory, a dealer himself prefers buying vehicles that are inspected properly so as to understand the repair and maintenance cost for future. Just like a dealer, a customer also has such concerns and services like Inspection certificate service for dealers addresses such concerns for them and provides dealers and their customers a peace of mind by bringing forth a clear picture of the condition of the vehicle. 

  • Helps in Fair Procurement & Selling:

Services like: Pricing certificate services for dealers is not only important for them while procuring for their inventory but is also important for them while selling their vehicles so as to convince the customer that the offered price is market best and stands parallelly with the condition of the vehicle that is being purchased. 

By offering such a service to the customers at the time of purchase, a dealer wins the trust of the customer on the grounds of transparency and lack of concealment.  

  • Improves Customer Satisfaction:

Certification services can also help dealers in improving customer satisfaction by providing them with access to 21st century pricing, history and inspection tools that are accurate and help them in making additional savings while making an informed decision. 

  • Boosts New Customers:

In addition to building trust with existing customers, certification services also help dealers in attracting new customers. When potential customers are looking for a dealership to purchase a vehicle, they may be more likely to choose a dealership that is offering an assurance to the customers. Also, word of mouth and testimonials play a very important role in attracting customers. A satisfied customer is more likely to refer the dealership to more potential customers.


Overall, certification services for dealers can be a valuable tool for them. The prime aim of an auto dealership is to build trust of their customers and improve their business and Automobile Certification Services by Droom can facilitate that for dealerships. By connecting with Droom, an auto dealer can have access to pricing as a service, inspection as a service and history as a service which can provide them with detailed reports and accurate pricing. This can also help them to attract new customers, retain existing customers, and ultimately increase their profits.

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Droom is an automobile e-commerce platform offering a 21st-century automotive buying experience online with its four value pillars including trust, selection, low price, and convenience second to none. It offers 250k+ vehicles online in 1,100 cities — both used and new. Droom deals in buying and selling cars, 2-wheelers, and other vehicles too. It is an AI and data science-driven platform designed with the best ecosystem tools. Here, we have a team of auto-experts and auto enthusiasts who are dedicated to covering every sphere of the auto industry by simplifying the procedure of buying and selling with Unified Droom Experience. To know more, click here.

Droom is an automobile e-commerce platform offering a 21st-century automotive buying experience online with its four value pillars including trust, selection, low price, and convenience second to none. It offers 250k+ vehicles online in 1,100 cities — both used and new. Droom deals in buying and selling cars, 2-wheelers, and other vehicles too. It is an AI and data science-driven platform designed with the best ecosystem tools. Here, we have a team of auto-experts and auto enthusiasts who are dedicated to covering every sphere of the auto industry by simplifying the procedure of buying and selling with Unified Droom Experience. To know more, click here.

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