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Things to Consider Before Selling Used Mobile

Things to Consider While Selling Used Mobile

Are you planning to sell your old mobile to buy a new mobile phone? You should be aware of a few things before entering the buyer’s and seller’s markets. It may seem easy, but it can be the most complicated if you do not know the basics. As a reseller, you would also want to know second hand mobile valuation. Before selling used mobile, the most crucial thing to consider is the fair market value or its resale value. With OBV, get the most accurate price and non-negotiable deals to a smartphone seller. So, when you decide to sell your smartphone and even manage to get a potential buyer make sure you erase every memory inside your smartphone and hand it as clean as it was when you bought it.

What To Do Before Selling Used Phone

Backup your data

Backing up data is the foremost and essential step when you are changing devices. It becomes even more critical when you are selling it to an unknown person. Start backing up the data on Google Drive or iCloud. Other than these two, there are multiple backup application options for Android mobile phone users. If not online, plug in a USB and backup everything on the computer or laptop. External storage devices like pen drives and hard disks can also be used for the same. We emphasize backing up because gadgets carry the most important information that we do not want to lose when we change our devices.

Reset the mobile phone to factory settings

After you back up your data, just reset the mobile phone to factory settings. The factory reset option will make your phone as clean as a new one, and the chance of losing your data to a stranger becomes closer to zero. The factory data reset option is available in the settings under privacy for Android mobile phone users, while iPhone users can get this option in the general settings. This will take some time, so chill while it happens.

Remove all the SIM cards and SD cards

Sim cards and SD cards store the most essential information like contact lists, email addresses and names, and you would not want to hand over this information to a stranger. So never forget to empty every slot inside your smartphone.

Remove all the accounts from the mobile phone

With everything happening online, our mobile phones are registered with multiple email ids & accounts. So, make sure you unregister. For example, if you use an Android mobile phone, unregister from all the Google accounts and if you own an iPhone, unregister from the iCloud.

Click great pictures and upload

If the mobile phone buyer is not located in the vicinity, they may want to look at the physical condition of the smartphone. So, make sure you click good looking pictures to attract potential buyers. Also, be truthful about the actual state and age of the mobile phone.

Do Used Mobile Valuation

The fair market value of any commodity tells the exact price at which it will be re-sold in the market. Therefore, retailers and dealers are not the most accurate sources if you want to know the current value of your smartphone device. For used mobile valuation, you can use Orange Book Value (OBV) to check used mobile prices online on its portal. A smartphone seller is required to fill in the information regarding the device, including its age, damage (if any), physical components, warranty card (present or not), accessories (will be sold or not), and all the factors mentioned will give the most accurate and unbiased price of the phone currently in the market. It is also useful for buyers who want to know how to check used mobile before buying.

The OBV used mobile valuation tool is available across the globe in Asia and the Middle East, Europe, and Australia. It is a service by Droom and a one-stop destination for every reseller.

Final Words

This is it. It is everything to consider before selling a used mobile. Other than that, make sure you do not scan the potential buyers with fake or false mobile phone pictures. Always tell the truth to your potential buyers and show them the true physical condition of a smartphone device. It builds a trust factor in the market and adds points to your profile when you are a dealer.