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OBV Enterprise – Everything You Should Know About

obv enterprise

OBV (Orange Book Value) Enterprise has been conceptualized to offer 360-degree used vehicle pricing solutions to banks, NBFCs, and Insurance companies.

For business enterprises, every user comes with the potential to generate revenue. OBV Enterprise has been designed keeping in mind the expectations of a consumer i.e., swift solutions, professionalism, and timely assistance to help businesses reap reward of modern tech solutions.

OBV Enterprise is your reliable to ally to turn a stray pricing query into a prospective business opportunity. It conveniently transforms the whole dynamics of pricing queries. All the dilly-dallying, misinformation and unbiased quotations are put to rest. It brings credibility to the whole system of managing pricing queries with an exclusive enterprise panel. As a business, you can cater to the precise queries of your consumers and can manage your business operations seamlessly.

What are the features of OBV for Enterprise?

OBV Enterprise blends in the requirements of the enterprises with seamless tech solutions. So, if you, as an enterprise, find it difficult to manage thousands of pricing queries as it amounts to a lot of paperwork. You will be delighted to know that you get an exclusive Enterprise panel to upload thousands of queries with their respective OBV value within seconds!

Yes, that is how quick and easy it makes to track thousands of queries. No need to fret over paperwork or intimidating numbers. Simply, use the right filter option to cater to the business requirements with ease.

Enterprise panel makes the whole process a seamless one. Log into the enterprise panel to keep a track of every query. From keeping a tab of thousands of queries to understanding customer behavior based on changing queries, OBV Enterprise is your one-stop solution to streamline pricing queries and offer timely solutions based on precise customer requirements.

You can upload thousands of pricing queries in one go and even download the report, basic or premium, with OBV values within seconds. On the enterprise panel only, a user can change the vehicle conditions separately.

The dashboard is not a mundane one with facts and figures but presented interactively with graphs, pie charts, etc. It makes for a presentable view wherein users can grasp the values with ease and communicate it to the consumers with ease.

For dealers or sellers of a used vehicle, OBV for a dealers is a perfect tool. It helps to:

So, be it OBV for OEMs or OBV for BFSO, in the end, it is all about enjoying the perks of technology to refine the existing systems. OBV Enterprise helps the respective enterprises to stay relevant to the changing times. It helps you make the right impression on your consumers who can put their trust into the abilities of the company that is using the modern age technology to deliver services seamlessly.