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How to Check the History of a Used Car?

vehicle registration history

Buying a used car is quite exciting especially when it is your first car. But do let this excitement make your mistake in closing the deal. Before you buy a used car, you must make sure to check the RTO Vehicle Information.

A vehicle history report uncovers what the vehicle has gone through in the past. It enables you to verify the authenticity of the information that the dealer gives you. Therefore, it is important to go through the report before you make the final decision.

It has become quite easy to check a vehicle history report online with Droom’s online vehicle history database. The database has a history certificate of more than 200 million registered vehicles out of the total 220 million registered vehicles in India. The vehicle history database is fetched from online servers of more than 1000+ RTO’s all over the country.

Based on the details, a vehicle history report is generated that is unbiased and is based on historical data which is available at authorized data providers.

The purpose of vehicle history certificate is solely to keep the buyer informed about the vehicle registration of a used vehicle. The history certificate provides crucial information like owner name, number of owners, accidental history, a model of car, year of manufacture and many other factors. The vehicle reports are of two types basic one and a detailed one. The basic report contains some basic information about the vehicle. The basic report vehicle history report is free of cost while the detailed information report is paid one. The detailed history certificate costs just Rs. 49 which is very affordable given the fact that the details provided are authentic and unbiased.

The detailed report has over 50 different types of information. It is better to go for the detailed report as you will get to know about your used car in a better manner.

So, remember before you choose to purchase a car, make sure you check car history online, so you can learn in depth about a vehicle. It will help you to estimate the value of the vehicle and determine the worth of the vehicle. One can look for history certificate for any vehicle just under 10 seconds. The process to check the history of a vehicle is extremely simple. Just enter the registered number of the vehicle for which the report needs to be looked up.

Then the system will ask for your email id and the verification captcha which you need to fil. Upon successful completion, the user will be provided with the basic information about the vehicle. If you want to read detailed information about the vehicle then you can either go for the ‘Gold certificate’ or the ‘Platinum Certificate’. The Gold Certificate will provide you with basic information along with some other details like – Registration Module, Blacklist Module, Theft History, Flood Damage History.

The ‘Gold Certificate’ costs just Rs. 49. If you want to dig deeper then, the Platinum Certificate would provide much detailed information. The Platinum Certificate provides additional details about the vehicle apart from the basic details. The Platinum Certificate gives details like- vehicle registration history Details, car owner details, Advanced Registration Details, Vehicle Details, Blacklist Details, Theft History Insurance Details, Hypothecation Module, Flood Damage History, Vehicle Service Logs, Purchase Details.

The Platinum Certificate costs just Rs. 149 which is quite affordable given the in-depth details the Platinum Certificate provides. Also, after you have checked the history of vehicle, it is advisable to go for used car inspection service that will help to spot any faults in the used vehicle.

One such onsite used car inspection is offered by Droom by the name of Eco- inspection. The Eco- inspection is India’s most scientific, and unbiased way to get a doorstep auto inspection and verification service for used vehicle.

The service includes more than 1000 checkpoints that helps the end buyers buy a peace of mind.