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How to Get Car Details by Number Plate?

We get to see numerous number plates attached to cars while travelling by bus, auto, or by our own car; we even witness certain situations where one car ramps into another car and runs away, or when a car breaks traffic rules. We casually note down the number mentioned on the number plates of the cars for some or the other reasons to find out car owner details through number plate or car details. But did we ever give a deep thought, or put emphasis on the fact how magical these numbers on the number plates are, which in a matter of seconds brings out all the details of the car owner, and plays a crucial role in the life of individuals who are in dire need of the details related to the car and car owner?

Today in this blog, we will be covering all the possible points, which are required to understand how one can get details related to owners by using the number plates which are attached to their cars.

The topics which we will cover in this blog are as follows:

How to Get Car Owner Details by the Number Plate of the Car?

Just noting down the registration number of a vehicle won’t give you full access related to the details of car owners, since there are certain guidelines which you need to follow in order to find out the details you are looking for.

Gone are the days when one used to visit the registration office and go through several procedures to finally get the details of the car owner.

Now, it’s much easier than one could ever imagine. Finding car owner details is just a matter of seconds now, and the reason is none other than the app History.

It provides overall details about a vehicle’s background and covers up to 50 different history records of a vehicle.

Following are a few details which can be found on History by entering the registration number of the vehicle:

Below is the list of some of the details about the car owner which can be found by entering the registration number of a car:

How to get car details through the number plate of a car?

Since checking the history of a car is not required while buying a new car, it is a crucial thing to do while purchasing a used car. Even though the price will be cheaper than a brand-new car, it might come with the risk of a hidden history leading to life-threatening situations. Therefore, car owners are required to know the history of a car they are planning to purchase, to protect themselves, to check the condition of the car, or to avoid scams. Details related to a car, including car registration details, can be found on the number plate by using History from Droom.

Details which could be found by entering the registration number of a car are as follows:


Number plate plays a vital role in the life of many individuals on an everyday basis and gives access to owner details, car details, registration details, etc., if the requirement arises in situations such as hit and run case, and purchase of new and used cars. Life has become much easier by the launch of applications where one can check every single detail related to car owners and cars, to make informed decisions and to be able to act against specific individuals who caused harm to them. The best app one could use to check car and owner details online is History from Droom.

Stay safe and have a happy driving experience!